How Do Hobson’s Choice Run CLient Projects so Smoothly?


Ensuring a client project runs smoothly, from initial design to final installation, can be challenging.

Our approach is to ensure every client has a dedicated designer who becomes their project manager. By working in this way the person with the greatest knowledge of the client, their wishes, their home and the design, is in full control at all times.

In this short video, Managing Director, Richard Carter explains our process in more detail and the benefits our service offers.

  • One of the things that separate Hobson's choice and I think helps us run projects very smoothly is the fact that our designers are also the project managers. They take the project from when they first meet you, coming into a showroom and introducing you to the product and learning about your project and how we can help you. They take it from that stage.

    They'd come and see you for the survey. They're the same people that do all of the design work that know the product inside out to be able to ensure that we're backing something perfect for you, and that we're meeting all of your needs. They've been to your property. They understand your style. They know how you live. They're learning about you the whole time, and you're obviously learning about them, too.

    But through developing this relationship together, they are the perfect people to take your project from concept through to something that is ordered with the factory delivered to the site, conveyed to the tradesmen and run perfectly all the way through to deliver you the finished piece that everybody, including the designer, is totally proud of.